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Allanov Didar
Ro’zmetov Xursand
Kurbanniyazov Rashidbek


This article summarizes and analyzes the findings of one aspect of a research project that explored a proposal mediated by ICT, for the professional development of a group of teachers of English. The general objective of the project was to analyze the effect of the proposal on the development of the listening skills, Intercultural Competence, and professional development itself of a group of sixteen English teachers from several public schools in Bogotá. One part of the study focused on the teachers' perceptions of the proposal. The other one deals with the aspects that could possibly have an influence on the implementation of the proposal on the daily teaching practice of the participants. The data were gathered through surveys, interviews, and logs, which evidenced that even though teachers value the proposal for its meaningfulness and usefulness, they face various kinds of difficulties and tension in its application.

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How to Cite
Allanov Didar, Ro’zmetov Xursand, & Kurbanniyazov Rashidbek. (2022). STEPS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING SKILLS. Yosh Tadqiqotchi Jurnali, 1(4), 862–869. Retrieved from


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